

Paola Cabistany

I am Paola Cabistany. Guide of Ravine and Climb and member of the FEDME Mountaineering National Team. In 2008 after finishing my Design studies in Zaragoza, my home city, and helped by the feeling I was taught since I was a kid “share the love you feel for the mountains” I moved to the Benasque valley. There began a new period of my life, sport and professional growth went together. My aim: being guide of ravines, modality I discovered some days before. In the same valley we can find the Benasque Mountain School, where I achieved my goal of getting the title of ravines’ TD. That moment introduced me to other sports such as climb, ski, mountaineering… and some years later I was formed as climbing TD.

Since then I develop my professional career as a guide national and internationally, it is fascinating, being a mountain guide is a feeling that comes from inside, showing that corner that some day made you vibe and live back that moment reflected in the sight of those that are with you, discover much more with them and the best of all, being there when they need you.

And as a teacher, teaching means don’t stop learning, and I have the choice of doing it in different official schools of sport mountain coaches, also with the teaching team from the Institute of mountain Medicine and sport in the Formation & Investigation Centre of Mountain and Climb, always leaving some space to do particular courses.

As a sport person, the mountain gave me a feeling difficult to describe and much of my free time I invest it in doing activities on it.

Since 2018 I am member of the Nacional Mountaineering Team, experience that helps me to increase my development as climber and to do high performance activities, not just in Europe but worldwide, although no doubt the best of this team are my mates and the moments we have lived.

Currently, I live in a little town of “Valle de Tena, Panticosa” probably one of the best “playgrounds” from the Aragonese Pyrenees.