

Juanma Zapata

My name is Juan Manuel Zapata.

The best word to define myself is adventurer, because I like to do all kind of things.

I am so lucky for being from Almería and being closer to places such as: Cabo de Gata, Tabernas, or Sierra Nevada.

I feel passion for mountain hiking, photography, and both together. I also practice canyoning, climbing, vías ferratas, speology, bicycle…

My favourite top is Veleta because it is the one, I visited and has challenged me the most.

I love going to Malaga and exploring its numerous caves and sinks. Wearing no matter what kind of board on the feet and any kind of rope on my hands. I love teaching and learning, and I get never tired of doing them.

I really appreciate the opportunity that +8000 gave to me, so that I can begin this collaboration with them and try all the equipment.